Around eight million people were eligible to vote

The Electoral Commission announced that the first day of the second voter registration weekend gathered 304,221 voters at the voting station, adding that the numbers were ahead of the country's 2024 National and Provincial Elections.

The commission also said that among these voters, 55,019 are first-time voters who got their registration done. The second voter registration weekend was held on Feb. 3 and Feb. 4 in the wake of upcoming general elections of the National Assembly and Provincial Legislatures.

"The Electoral Commission is pleased to report that the second registration weekend for the imminent 2024 National and Provincial Elections got off to a good start," the commission said, SA News reported on Sunday.

It added, "This early turnout not only sets a positive tone for the registration period but also serves as a testament that citizens remain engaged with affairs of their country."

The first voter registration weekend was held from Nov. 18 to Nov. 19 last year. The Electoral Commission extended its timeline for registration and held another round over the weekend, looking at the enthusiastic participation of the citizens.

"Whether you are a first-time participant or a seasoned voter, we encourage all South Africans to seize this historic moment by registering and casting their votes in the forthcoming elections," the commission said.

It added, "Today alone, the online voter registration portal recorded over 20,325 (7,234 new) voter registration transactions. We urge voters who may have had a less than pleasant experience using the online platform, to try again. The online portal remains available 24 hours a day until the day the elections are proclaimed."

The electoral commission has urged citizens to connect with the Department of Home Affairs offices this weekend in case they need help with identity documents, facilitating the collection and issuance of necessary documents for registration purposes.

The general elections, expected to be held in the first half of 2024, will mark the seventh election in the country since the end of the apartheid era.

In this year's election, the ruling African National Congress party will be locking horns with opposition parties, including the Economic Freedom Fighters party and the Democratic Alliance.