Western Cape Invites Unemployed Youth To Apply For Yearbeyond Program

Unemployed youth have been invited by the Western Cape Cultural Affairs and Sports Department to apply for the YearBeyond Program, which offers them valuable work experience while helping their communities.
This program is a partnership between the government, the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA), donors, and non-governmental organizations.
Launched in the Western Cape, the national program provides unemployed youth aged 18 to 25 with meaningful work experience, a chance for further studies or employment, and encourages community service.
"Through the YearBeyond program, young people who are unsure as to what their next steps are can take up an opportunity to gain a year's practical experience, improve their CV [curriculum vitae] and gain important skills which will help them to access future employment opportunities as employees or employers," Western Cape Cultural Affairs and Sport MEC, Ricardo Mackenzie said, SA News reported.
Western Cape Cultural Affairs and Sport MEC, Ricardo Mackenzie, said in order to qualify the applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 25, live within a 5-kilometer radius of a YearBeyond site, and must be registered on the SAYouth.Mobi platform.
The MEC also said that the department aims to provide young people with a support system to help them take the next steps toward becoming successful adults.
Western Cape Premier Alan Winde emphasized that the program is crucial for preparing youth for the job market and guiding them toward their future careers. He expressed pride in the YearBeyond program, noting the enthusiasm and dedication of the participants, which gives him hope.
While youth unemployment in the Western Cape is over 10% lower than in other provinces, Winde stressed the importance of continuing efforts to help young people find jobs. He encouraged all eligible youth to take advantage of this opportunity.
Last year in August, Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni double-downed the government's focus on building an inclusive economy that creates jobs after official unemployment rate rose to 33.5% in the second quarter of 2024, up from 32.9% in the first quarter.
Employment fell by 92,000 to 16.7 million, while the number of unemployed people increased by 158,000 to 8.4 million in the same period.
The biggest job losses were in the Trade sector (110,000), Agriculture (45,000), and Private Households (18,000). However, the largest job gains were seen in Manufacturing (49,000) and Community and Social Services (36,000).
At that time, President Cyril Ramaphosa said that while the partnership between business and government has made progress in areas like energy and logistics, more collaboration is needed to tackle South Africa's biggest issues - unemployment and economic growth.
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