Durban, KZN, South Africa - Cityscape
Durban, KZN, South Africa - Cityscape Magda Ehlers/

Employment and Labor Minister Thulas Nxesi has offered free service to employers in South Africa for the recruitment and selection process of their future employees.

Speaking at an employer briefing session at Digital Hub held in Free State's town Botshabelo on Wednesday, the minister said that the government is "willing and ready to assist" the employers in the "recruitment and selection of your future employees, free of charge," SA News reported.

"In other words, no employer will be charged labor brokering fees where you opt to use our systems. We offer similar services free of charge to work seekers," he added.

Nxesi urged all employers to register their vacancies and available training opportunities on the Employment Services System of South Africa (ESSA), the employment and labor department's job placement platform, which has been introduced to cushion the effects of poverty and unemployment in the country.

"Please get involved in these initiatives so that you are not left behind. They benefit companies; they benefit work seekers, particularly the youth, and they contribute to economic development and help build social cohesion," he added.

The briefing also discussed the National Labor Migration Policy, the Employment Equity discussions, the Labor Activation Program presentation, the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act and the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy.

The minister noted that there is no need to lecture employers on the high crime rate the country has been experiencing in recent times, adding that the youth is vulnerable in the labor market due to which there is a great risk to social stability.

"Mind-sets need to change, innovations need to be sought and collaborations strengthened to bring about a halt to the staggering unemployment amongst youth," he said, noting that the department has started this initiative to engage the youth in several jobs and career fairs.

Nxesi also said that the department has "introduced state of the art mobile units that are assisting a great deal in servicing work seekers" and partnered with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) alongside the Department of Basic Education (DBE).

The minister is also expected to address jobseekers during the Jobs Fair at Kaizer Sebothelo Stadium in Botshabelo Arena on Thursday.